First I cant beleive this is the last weekend of January already WOW ! That went fast .
I got a lovely gift in the mail from a friend of mine whom I used to work with years ago, she had told me to look for something in the mail so I was excited and waiting . We keep in touch by email and phone calls and she pops in every now and then to check up on this blog . Papa picked it up at our mailbox on his way home from work . He came in and said you have a package . Oh boy oh boy I said . I opend it and this is what I got .

A beautiful hand made Butterly chime for the inside of my house . Oh isnt it lovely , see my friend knows how much I love butterflys and she sent me a little note with it to . I hung it in my kitchen window I had to close the blind to take a photo so I dont get the gloomy light from the day in the background and for the picture the dark back ground helps to show the colours of the butterflys for the photo . I then sent her an email thanking her . Thanks Char I love it !
Yesterday was a gloomy cold windy day and not much was going on .. well with me anyways but out side the birds and critters were busy feasting on and under the feeders and then they decided to flock on the shed roof for seeds from the tree and fresh untouched snow , birds like to eat snow they use it as a sorce of water even if there is water in the winter out for them .

There are all differnt breeds of birds here , some are Pine Siskins , some are Gold Fnches , Sparrows and Juncos .

Then two squirrles got into the action lol ! Notice no birds lol !
We had a dusting of snow yesterday and they were hunting for the seed from the feeders others drop instead of getting the seed from the feeders I guess seed and snow make a better meal lol .

This is the sceen I see every day around my feeders !

They were flying and jumping from the tree to the roof and whilst on the roof they were pecking at the snow . I took all these from the inside of my upstairs hall window so I could be higher up and to look down to get the photo, by the time I went down stairs to get more photos they had all flew up into the trees . It can get quite loud and busy with all the birds in our yard but I love it !

As for Miggs well she just likes to lay on the patio under our porch on the mat by the kitchen sliding door and watches the commotion thats going on in the yard . More like waiting for me to get dressed and stop taking photos to take her for a walk at this time of the morning lol ! And that we do go for a walk every day !
The sun is shining today the winds are blowing but the temps are to warm up considerably highs are to hit +5 or 41°F that is nice temps for us this time of year especially with the sun shining just hope the winds calm down or blow warmer air .
I have noticed that my google friend connect followers have been deminishing and was wondering what was going on , well I found out .
Just a heads up !
During the past weekend, Blogger started the process of simplifying Following. This involves removing non Google accounts and profiles from Following.
As part of this plan, starting the week of January 11, we’ll remove the ability for people with Twitter, Yahoo, Orkut or other OpenId providers to sign in to Google Friend Connect and follow blogs. At the same time, we’ll remove non-Google Account profiles so you may see a decrease in your blog follower count. So those who have gone from your followers are followers who do not have a google account and were following by another sorce . Doesn’t seem simple to me for the people that were following and now cant . So if you are finding that your folllowers are dimishing this is why !
Any who thats It for me today , the sun is shining and I am out a here lol .
Until next time .
Country Gal