Hi every one . I am back now that our long weekend is over and boy were we busy and sore and achy and tired but all well worth it as we have finished building up our gardens and planting them . We had planned to redo the garden edging of some of the gardens this year and we redid and built the centre garden edging in more sturdy material then we have had for the past 6 years , we made them out of hard wood . We attached, cut and shaped each piece of wood to fit almost like a puzzle and it looks great . We did the garden around the birch tree the same last weekend ,we also did a smaller edging around our Azalea shrub we just got , then we filled all the gardens with fresh top soil planted a few Annual's but this year we went with more flowing perennials as we are trying to have the gardens with more plants that come back each year and flower in intervals of the spring summer and fall seasons and we don't have to keep buying flowers as much either lol and in between all that we cut the grass did the trimming and then finally watered all the gardens and then relaxed and enjoyed .
Saturday morning we went to our favourite garden centre early and came home with all of these pretties !

Got home switched the van for the truck and trailer then we went to get top soil got home from that and then the measuring and building began! Papa already had all the wood from the beginning of the week !

Lots of cutting and drilling and piecing the pieces of wood together like a puzzle, all Papa’s creation !

We did both sides of this garden in the above photo all on Saturday . Then we did lots of loads of top soil with my tractor Betsy and trailer from the truck and trailer that we went and got filled with top soil and did new top soil for each garden newly built and older ones and a bit of planting , by the end of the day we were both zonked ,dog gone tired and achy .

Papa used a special glue for the cinder block butterfly & hummer garden edging then we filled it with top soil and planted perennial hummer and butterfly flowers and bushes in it and later Papa will be attaching nice finished planks of wood to each side so one can sit at the garden like on a bench seat .

Our little Azalea in her own little garden we also built this weekend that will grow into a 4 foot high and 3 foot wide if not bigger , pretty shrub that will bloom each year !

Our back garden edging was already done just need to add another layer of wood soon, we just put fresh top soil in and some flowering perennial's !

Our front garden is planted with a mix of perennial's and annuals , trying to keep the annual's in the gardens down to a dull roar now .

I still have a few flowers to plant in a half barrel and a planter two for the front and one for the pergola there in the centre of this garden with my bird bath fountain then that will be it for this year for gardens and planting ! Now we get to sit back and watch our gardens grow and enjoy it all !
The weather wasn’t to bad this past long weekend overcast with sun shine at the ends of the day Saturday it rained a little bit but not enough to stop the process of building and planting , Sunday was over cast and humid but a cool breeze was blowing by mid day and sun was peeking out , yesterdays weather pretty much the same so it was perfect for working out in the gardens . All in all it was a fun yet busy tiring weekend but I find it so rewarding when all is said and done and now we have lovely gardens to enjoy all summer !
Back to normal now Papa is at work BOOHOO ! I so love having him home poor guy goes to work to get rest from me and all the honey to do lists lol just kidding he enjoys building, creating and gardening to lol !
So that was our long weekend .
Oh as I sit here typing with the window open the sun is rising birds are singing and a nice fresh early morning breeze is blowing in the window and it is carrying the fresh sweet smell of my Lilacs in it , smells soo good !!! Time to cut some and bring them in for my kitchen table.
Mrs Robins babies hatched Friday and now she has been busy back and forth feeding them and Mr Robin to , cant see them yet but can hear the faint peep peep from them , I am sure we will see them son as they grow to big for the nest and see their heads pop out of it every now and then , Mrs Robin built that nest deep .
Until next time my friends !
Country Gal