The temp dropped last night and we woke to frost ! I looked out my front door and noticed my Daffodils had drooped . So I took a photo through my screen door !

Then I decided to go out and take photos !

I do like the look of frost on everything , especially in photos !

I love the way the frost twinkles like stars in the sun light !

Poor Daffodil was being held up by a twig ! They don't look so good !

Miggy was having a ball whilst I was taking photos !

Always with the tongue , she even sleeps with her tongue sticking out just enough to see the pink of it !

Has the feeder all to him self. yes that's duct tape on the feeder , it cracked at the bottom , it will do another year .

Mr Robin suppin up his breakfast !

He had just noticed I was there !

My Lilac bush trying to bloom but the frost is holding it back !
We are to be having cold weather for the next few nights , all the summer type weather we had last week had forced things to bloom and start to grow way to early and now I fear this cold snap will kill them all! I hope not !
The sun is shining and it is warming up the land . Miggy and I are going to go for our morning walk . I have house cleaning to do then I will be able to enjoy the rest of our day !
Until next time hope you all have a good day ! 
Country Gal