Hello ..Hope you all had a good weekend !
As some of you may know Papa and I are members of a horse club called Evergreen Meadows Saddle club as their photographers ! The events are held in the small town of Aylmer at the fair grounds ! Spectators are very welcome and we find that at each event there are more and more spectators and members .
Saturday was raining here so Papa and I spent the best part of the day going through our photos from past events from our horse club and putting together photo albums and designing a new business card just for horse events or for anyone who would like us to come to their farm/ranch and take photos of them and their horses .

Our saddle club holds a day of events every last Sunday of the month as a lot of the riders travel and attend other events through out the rest of the months . We set up our table with the albums and DVD’s of events and a few other bits and pieces that we do ! Some people just look and others place their order !
The weather was perfect … cloudy with sunny periods and a nice cool breeze perfect for horse and rider !
We took Miggs with us for the first time as I wanted her to be able to get used to horses and hoped things would go well on her part as she has never been around a horse and the horses there are all used to dogs as most of the riders have dogs ! Well .. Miggs loved it all . She was so interested as to what they were and did a lot of nose kissing with the horses which we are so happy that she took to them right away ! Papa and I took turns at each event taking photos so one of us could be with Miggs and walk around and visit .
The events help the youngsters with their confidents and getting to know their ponies better !

This little girl who is 4 years old and her pony Curious George were just so darn cute and boy can she ride ! Some riders enter all the events and some pick and choose which ones they want to be in . This event is timed and you have to ride one side of the barrel pick up the stick then ride down to the other barrel go around it , then ride back to the first barrel and get the stick back in !She did a great job !

Some riders are more advanced then others but it is all in fun .

This young girl’s horse is quite big for her but boy can she handle it well !

Then we had some pro barrel racers that really pumped up the action !
It was a great day filled with fun, frolic and lots of photos ! Papa and I took between the two of us over a 1000 photos …lots to choose from for our website and the riders !
We left the house at 9 am … takes us twenty five minuets to get there and got home by 4pm . Miggs was exhausted from her day of horsey kisses , different smells , cuddles and pats from people and fresh air and fun … Papa and I were tired to but it was a good tired !
All in all it is always a great day at the club events and even better now that we can take our Miggs with us to join in the fun and have a day of Horsing Around !
Until next time … Hope you all have a great day !
Country Gal