We have just been pummelled with snow and winds now. It has been snowing since yesterday, its a winter wonderland, so pretty as it sticks to everything and takes shape of each object . Papa had to leave earlier then usual this morning due to country roads aren't ploughed right away, he made it safely , called me from work to put me at ease.
I may go out later if it settles down and take more photos, that's if I can find a winter coat that fits , I am a little ok but a lot upset about it cause I have put on more weight then I ever thought I would, I have always had a weight problem and 4 years ago finally got it all under control and for the first time in my life felt good about myself . I was finally thin after most of my life battling the bulge , then menopause hit , retiring came about due to really bad IBS and now I am right back to were I started with the struggle and depression all over again. I have gained 40 pounds in a year and a half , it wouldn't be so bad if I was taller but because I am short and what I call compact its worse to me and the stupid thing is I cant eat a lot of foods, especially fast foods, junk foods , spicy foods, carbonated drinks or fruit juices due to my IBS , I dont understand it at all , I have had my thyroids checked and all is good, had all other tests done and all came back good so why am I having this weight problem, yes I did used to be more active but then it was to the extreme before I moved back to the country. I try to take Miggy for a hour walk every day and keep moving but it doesn't seem to help any more ! Just feeling sorry for myself today after I realized a coat that hung off of me is now to tight and yes I cried ! Well that's enough with the wowies me bit now. I had my vent publically and in print, embarrassed about it but hey no ones perfect ! Until next time. I will post some more winter wonderland photos here but most will be on our K & E Photography blog.

Have a happy and warm day !