We had a lovely weekend being busy outside . Papa his dad and I were trimming down the cedar hedges on Saturday a big job that is very tedious and tiring for the arms, legs and back , Papa tied down the ladder in his dads old truck whilst his dad drove slowly as Papa was able to trim and cut the cedars , I popped around to take photos then of I went to help and guide them along .

I did say this is the red neck way of doing this but when you don't have the right equipment to reach well you've got to improvise but safely and that Papa is all about safety thank goodness cause I really cant take him up on ladders I shudder every time .

So this took most of the morning and Papa arms and back were sore afterwards but it is mostly done now but he now has to cut about 2 to 3 feet from the top soon as they have grown way to tall that will be another weekends work .
Whilst Papa rested I cut the grass with my old girl Betsy who we just got back form our small engines mechanic who replaced the parts in the back end, but then when we started it she was smoking from the engine some where so Papa and I took part of the front the heat shields off and found all kinds of gunk trapped in it this must of been years of it , so we gave her a good cleaning Papa air cleaned it all to with his air compressor just to make sure no pieces were left put it back together and off I went and no more smoke was to be had , this tractor is new last year to me but really she is 20 years old and one of the well build ones actually this type of tractor gets muscled up and raced all over the world , she boogies but I just cut the grass with her and pull my garden trailer about when I do yard work, every now and then I kick it up a notch and let her go full out for a bit of fun lol !

Papa got sneaky again and took photos , I had no idea till I was done cutting the grass then went to use my camera and saw them on it lol !

I love my little tractor we fit lol !
We puttered for the rest of the day as it was soo nice then Sunday as the sun was rising again in hopes of another nice day but then the clouds rolled in and it got down right chilly but we still did some yard work . Papas mom had all kinds of perennial plants that I have been wanting to get so she divided the ones she had and gave them to me , so for now they are in pots and I am figuring out where to plant them based on how much sun they need and so on .
Papa did the trimming around the gardens as well and I tended to the chiminea , it was a good day to have a fire going took the chill away and smells soo good to .

That morning as the sun was rising just before the clouds rolled in I was taking photos of shadows the sun left behind as it shines in the front of the house .

I know I sometimes take photos of weird things lol

My bakers from my kitchen curtains .

Then the actual sun rise !

Just as the clouds rolled in and was hiding the sun !

The sun did pop out every now and then through out the day but the clouds stuck around more then I would of liked , then that evening I saw the sun trying to break through the clouds as it was setting .

I do like dramatic looking clouds .

But the clouds won as the sun went down , the dampness crept over the land the peepers started to sing in the marsh by the river the birds were mostly tucked into bed except for a few who were like kids and chatting very quietly in the hedge as the Robin sang his evening lullaby the geese took their last flight for the day over head , Miggs and I went in , Papa and I had a cup of tea Miggs had a treat and that was our weekend done as it was 8pm .
Today is cloudy with sunny periods for now but rain and possible thunder storms later this afternoon and for tomorrow to . April showers bring May flowers , I cant believe it is the last week of April already WOW ! time fly's !
Birds are leaving whilst others are arriving now , just waiting for the Humming birds and Oriels to show up they usually come in on the spring storms so maybe after these two story days they will arrive and their feeders are up full and waiting for them . We are also still waiting for the return of Brown Thrashers , Oven Birds , Warblers, House Wren , Eastern King bird, Barn and Tree swallows and sometimes we get other breeds that don't stay here but they usually stop off on their migration for a rest for a day or two so that's a treat to see and hear them and hoping I can get a photo or two of them before they leave for the rest of their journey to their destination .
Until next time .
Country Gal