Yesterday was a beautiful day , warm sun and cool fresh breezes a perfect fall day !
Papa , Miggy and I went out to rake all the leaves that had fallen during the windy days we had all last week .

Papa started by raking the edges of the property and made a huge line of leaves away from everything so it was easier for him to use the sweeper !

He started the campfire going to get the coals hot so we can burn some of the leaves !

I love the smell of a camp fire in the fresh fall air !

Then he started up the lawn tractor with the sweeper ! Of course Miggy has to herd him along !

This leaf sweeper saves a lot of time and is great !

Papa would scoop up a bunch of leaves and then dump them by the fire pit so I can start to burn them !

I couldn’t believe the amount of leaves we ended up with !

When Papa was done sweeping he took photos for me of Miggy and I playing in the leaves !

It was funny cause Miggy was digging and grunting like a piggy as she was doing this !

She stuck her head way under the leaves then swooped her head up and made them go all over her !

We figured out what she was doing , she was making a comfy bed to lay in ! Silly dog !
I took a brake from feeding the fire and Papa took over whilst I went to get some photos of a Downey wood pecker on the suet feeder,

All the goings on in the yard didn’t faze this little guy at all !

Then I went back to tend to the fire and leaves and let this little guy eat !
The leaves were wet after all the rain we had and burning that huge pile would of taken ages to get through so Papa loaded up the yard trailer 4 times and took the rest of the leaves to a garden dump area that's behind us in the field at the end of the in my laws property we call the back 40 !

Here I am stoking the fire ! The sun was in my eyes and Papa was under the porch then he had suddenly called me and I realized at the last second he had my camera ! Cheeky bugger !

Then after it all Papa cut the grass and all is clean and tidy now ! It was beautiful weather and a fun day together even if it was just raking leaves and the best part we all smelt like camp fire smoke ! To bad you couldn’t bottle the smell of a camp fire or have a candle that smells just like it !
It’s sunny right now and warming up . Miggs and I are going for our walk in a bit and I have a few more hanging planters to winterize today then we are all done the plants .
Until next time hope you have a sunny fall day !
Country Gal