Our family got together over the weekend for my birthday and it was fun , our kids and their partners came down with their dog and Miggs had a grand old time but she was popped after the weekend that's for sure . Didn't take to many photos over the weekend we were to busy chatting and enjoying lol . But Papa did snap this shot of me in my glory early in the morning whilst I was still in my jammies with the two dogs lol !
This is our oldest sons dog Duke , he is a sweety and Miggs and he just love one another and Harley well she tolerates him lol !
Papa got me a cake from our favorite ma and pop owned bakery and it was decorated with my favorite song bird the Robins I love it it was a big cake and this cake freezes well .
I got a cute garden windmill form the kids , boy do they know me lol . I love it .
It was It was great weekend .
Yesterday the day of my Birthday started out wonderful to for the sun rise was pretty peeking through the valley forest in the east and all the birds were singing and I new it was going to be a good day .
My day was filled with sunshine and warm temps so Miggs and I took advantage of it and spend the day out side puttering in the sun shine and I also went about taking some photos.
Last years Milk weed pod in the filed beside us burst open to spread its seeds for the spring , their are hundreds of Milkweed in this field ready to reseed and grow for this coming summer .
And spring flowers are slowly poking through the ground in the gardens.
It was a beautiful clear blue sky day .
And whilst I am typing this the sun has rises once again this morning the air is crisp and chilly but will be warming up , the birds are chirping , singing and busy with nest building and feasting at the feeders . I feel it is to be another lovely day to get out side and putter once again and enjoy .
Until next time .
Country Gal