Not a lot going on here it has been some what quiet . I had a nice birthday yesterday with lots of messages from friends on social media thanks to all of you who sent messages and comments , I got lots of phone calls from family to , which was nice and of course the lovey cake Papa bought which I had to cut up and freeze half of it as it was just way to much for just the two of us lol !. Papa and I buy each other things over the course of each year so we don't really get much for one another on Birthdays , just the way it is for us and besides not much left to get someone when they already have all they need or want already right ?! The weather has been a bit chilly with rain and sunny periods but still not bad at all today the temps reached 13C or 56F .
Miggs has been on and off sick and we think it is a combination of how she eats and drinks her food , See Miggs has always had problems with her esophagus and digestion as well as a bit arthritis in her shoulders and we have realized that her eating from her bowls on the floor is hard on all of this now for her so we decided to raise her bowls so it makes all this easier for her but instead of going out and buying the expensive raised bowl feeding station Papa measured did a prototype on a computer building program he uses to get the right demotions and what not printed it and made it for Miggs .
We hope this helps her , so far so good she gets less gas and seems to be able to swallow better and less strain on all of her ailment's , she seems to like her new feeding station . Nice job Papa .

Almost all of our spring birds have arrived now Robins , Grackles , Red Wings, Morning Doves , Cow birds , Starlings , Killdeer and now the Song Sparrow which I had been waiting and watching for . I am still looking out for the Turkey Vultures to show up soaring in the sky's that will be soon . Nothing like hearing and seeing the spring birds . Our many robins have been wonderfully serenading us each evening and morning .

Mrs Robin here has her own singing post in the garden and she sings so clear loud and pretty as she seems to have a nest going in the cedar hedge in the photo .
I solved the bully black birds taking over the feeders as I put Safflower in the feeders now , all our black birds don't like it but all the other birds do and so do our Chipmunks so win win
Not long after Papa put up his barn bird houses Sparrows moved right on in again .

This house on Papa’s shop is made for our Mrs Molly Wren so the Sparrows cant get in as Papa put a piece of clear plexi glass over the exciting hole made for just a Wren and the Sparrows cant peck it apart to fit in like they do to the wood of other houses either ! We are planning to build other bird houses like Blue bird houses soon , that will be an ongoing project for the next while as well as many more building projects I expect lol ! Papa doesn't have heat in his work shop as of yet so he has to do most of his projects when it is mild or warmer out .
So all spring things are coming along wonderfully and soon my spring flowers will be putting on a display in the next coming weeks , looking forward to that now to . So that is it for now for a bit of This & That over the weekend .
Until next time .
Country Gal