The weather has been a mix of sun, rain , humidity and cool. Yesterday was over cast but with cool breezes today the sky is filled with sunshine and cool fresh air !
Yesterday I was busy trimming our Japanese Dapple Willows . It took me a few hours as they were thick and very tall ! Let me tell you my hand is killing me today , hand trimming hurts lol !

I didn't take a before photo but I think you can tell how big they were by the amount I cut off and stuffed in this trailer lol !

All trimmed up both top and sides, then Papa came home and did more of the top for me with the hedge trimmer that is to heavy for me to use .

At one point they were touching Papa’s work shop there on the left and he couldn’t get through to cut the grass ! But he can now !

Like my rock garden .. literally . I pulled all the weed from it as I haven't done anything with it this year and again laid down the garden tarp , come fall I will put some Hostas in as it is a half shade half sun spot !

I don't know if this little guy falls under the butterfly or moth variety but he was soo pretty and tinny and when he spread his wings the back side of them were a vibrant light blueish, purple colour !

Our gardens are doing well and I am in them weeding every other day and dead heading .

The birdies have been eating us out of house and home this summer . I have been filling feeders every day that's 4 feeders a day like this one ! Hummers have been few and far between this year . Both the Orioles Baltimore and Orchard have been supping up their nectar from the feeders as well . I am happy to report though the rise of Monarchs are more this year here as last year I saw maybe two ,so far 6 this year so that hopefully is promising that they are on a come back .

As for my Miggs … who has been my faithful garden companion following me around keeping me company and always on squirrel patrol is enjoying the cooler weather to .
Miggs … are you snoozing on the job ?…..

What me ??…. Never mum !

Always alert and looking pretty hehe !!!!

This morning is a beautiful cool fresh morning , I was out taking photos at 6 am of the clouds and sun rise !

I just love the sight I see every morning of the sun rising over the valley and as it sets in the evenings and it shines on our valley ! These cool temps have brought back the Blue jays already as I can hear one squawking as I sit here typing with my windows open as the air is fresh and with a cool breeze blowing .
Every morning these little guys the Easter King birds fly high over and around our yard and the field beside us collecting bugs for their breakfast in the sun rise making quite the squeaking noise as they fly about , we have lots of them and I enjoy watching them swoop and hover over head !

Well that is it for This & That I am sure I will have more to post about soon .
Until next time my friends ! Have a good day !
Country Gal