Woods Country Cove

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Just A Reminder

Can you believe today is the last day that we will have Google Friends on our side bars? That is those of us who have left Blogger. We have no idea how long it will be but rumor has it that the GFC will go away for everyone–which means those of of you who are still with Blogger have more time to get your friends moved over to the


Many of you have probably already heard that
GOOGLE Friend Connect will go away

on Feb 29 for any one that is not with blogspot

but rumor has it that it is being completely phased out for everyone soon

there is good news

There is a NEW awesome tool–Linky Tools

It has so many amazing features (that GFC never had). If you have not signed up you should. (yes you can have both.) I love the new tool so much and want everyone to enjoy all the new features.

…and did I tell you its super easy and FREE!
This Linky Blog Hop has been hosted by Its Over Cheri

What better way to celebrate a fun new blogging tool than to have a party
1. you MUST have the LINKY FOLLOWERS tool on your site to participate.

If you see that your link has been deleted you need to add the LINKY FOLLOWER tool to your site and then come back over and re-enter your link
{You can have both the LINKY FOLLOWERS & GFC on your site but you must have the LINKY FOLLOWERS tool to participate in this party hop.}
2. You MUST follow the person who has the party on their site as a thank you.
3. Just add your blog button to the LINKY PARTY below.
4.Then grab the BLOG HOP code

You will find the code right under the Linky Party where it says CLICK HERE TO ENTER–

just under that it says: WHAT IS A BLOG HOP? GET THE CODE HERE

Click on GET THE CODE HERE and enter it into a post on your site.
5. Then you follow other bloggers–(as many as you want)
–leave each one of the blogs that you follow a comment letting them know you are following them and ask them to follow you back.

If you want to add the BLOG HOP to your own site you will get lots of new followers–(see rule #2

Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Turned Out To Be A Nice Day Today


The weather was sunny and warmer then I expected  it to be, it was nice fresh country air with all the sights , sounds and smells of spring .   What made my day even better  is I heard and saw the Robin he has returned, no photo yet though he is to shy , but that's our  big sign of spring here at the Cove !

We spent the day out side Miggy and I, We went for our walk and played in the yard then I sat and watched the birds, took photos and enjoyed the day out doors !

             My photos from today are on our  photography blog  if you would like to view them. Pop on over we would love to have you visit !

                                                   Country Cove Photography

                  Until next time hope you all have a great day !

                                          Country Gal

Anticipating Spring


          Morning all .

It is 8 am the sun has just risen the temps are chilly but fresh , the birds are busy at the feeders , chatting and singing to a new day ! It will be warming up as the day goes on.  Yesterdays post was a good sign of spring here all the trees are budding , Lilac bushes, Rose bushes, Daffodils and Hyacinths are all coming to life after a very strange winter . The birds are chirping differently like they have a happy spring song  and all seems so fresh and readying its self ! All I truly need to make spring official is to see or hear our Robins back that's when spring has sprung for us here ! To hear his song early morning and late evening . The Robins song is truly my favourite !

I have been looking through my gardening magazines , planning dreaming and enjoying all the different ideas people come up with .


I also love to read Hobby Farming magazines as Hobby farming is how I was raised and I dream to having my own Hobby Farm one day ! I miss all the animals.



                                             I have them displayed on my coffee table .

I enjoy an a ray of  books as well  !       What magazines  or books do you like to read ?

                                   Until next time Hope you all have a great day !

                                                            Country GAL

Monday, February 27, 2012

A Walk Of The Yard


Its really windy but sunny today . The temp reached    7°C   or 45°F    even the wind felt warmer then it has been ! Miggy and I went for our walk this  morning . After lunch we went out and walked our yard to see what is happening  and of course I had my camera with me  just in case cause ya never know !


               My Hyacinths are  slowly making their way through the dirt !


                              So are my Daffodils popping up !


    My very back garden doesn't get a lot of sun this time of year  but it doesn't seem to stop the Daffodils from bursting through what snow is left !


                                          Found an empty snail shell in the garden !


                        Our huge Birch tree , I love Birch trees !


            An old Oriole nest from last summer ! Wonder if anyone will move in this summer ?


                         The moon in the middle of the day as the sun reflects off of it !

                               Click on photos to enlarge if you please !


                               Little windy here isn't it mum  WEEEEE !!!!!!!!!!!!!


                                Well hope you enjoyed our little  walk of our yard  with us.

                                                      free-spring-clip-art                                                                    is on its way !

                                               Until next time hope you all have a great day !

                                                                    Country Gal

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Clear Deep Sky


Hello all  , hope everyone is having a good weekend so far .

I thought I would take a couple of photos of the moon and a planet as the sky was so clear .  It is known to Astronomers  as  a waxing crescent which means it is working its self to a full moon as each night passes !  To the eye it is just a sliver of light ! If you were to get a pair of binoculars or a telescope you could see the rest of the moon that is shadowed and be able to see thousands of more stars and planets !  The differents between a star and a planet is a star is a huge ball of hot glowing gasses  such as our sun ! A planet is a smaller solid body which does not shine on its own but rather light reflected from a star ! The planet you see here in the photo is called  Venus !


                                        Click to enlarge if you please !


         I should of used a tripod  and set the camera for timed exposure but sometimes it takes to long to set it up for my liking, as soon as I see a photo opportunity  I have to take it almost there and then even if it isn't perfect . I sometimes find that photos that aren't perfect can also be the interesting ones !  

As amateur Astronomer's Papa and I often look up to deep dark sky's ! Its a whole new world out there !

                                    Until next time hope you all have a great day !

                                                  Country Gal

Friday, February 24, 2012

Cold & Rainy


Today is cold and rainy . We are waiting to see if the snow storm the weather guys have been talking about will hit us !

This is the kind of day were ya just cuddle up with a blanket read a  book or a gardening magazine and watch movies , have a cup or two of tea as the fire place crackles and relax as the rain falls hitting the windows every now and then with a gentle tap , tap as the rain drops slowly slide down the window and you find your self off in dream land staring at them sliding down as every rain drop is different !


                   Or you could be in a pickle like these little guys , taking cover out in the rain  !


           What ever the weather where you are , hope you have a good day !

                                      Country Gal

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Thursdays Things In A Row


                        Canadian Geese in flight !

DSC_0012 DSC_0013


                                           Tundra Swans  in flight.



                               Until next time  , hope you all have a great day !

                                        Country Gal

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Yesterday’s Antics


Yup , I enjoyed a nice sunrise yesterday as I posted  then with in a few hours we had a snow storm with gusting winds and huge snowflakes and you couldn't see across the field ! But then last night it rained , weird weather !



So Miggy Harley and I just hunkered down for the rest of the day . But I got some cute photos of Harley and Miggy playing in Miggys old bed that I usually put out on the patio for Miggy !


                                  Harley often likes to sleep in Miggy’s bed !   

                                       Click on photos to enlarge if ya please !


                        Mum I got kicked out of my own bed !!!!


                                 Thinkin to herself   NANA BOOBOO !!!!!


           Right then I will get you out of my bed by slurping you kitty ! EWWWW !!


                    Mum Miggy Slurped me ! YUK !


                I’m not moving Miggy I am warm and comfy here !!!! Meow !!


               Oh yes you are Harley this is my bed ! HA !!!!!  Harley ,  Darn it !


     MUUUMMMM  you gona let her do this ? You can share girls !  Miggy, Never ! Harley, Meany !


Miggy to Harley !  Tell ya what ,you have it during the night Harley when I am up stairs in my other bed and I take it during the day !  Oh all right ,I suppose  HUFF !

                                               Harley does sleep in it at night !

It was funny taking these photos and they are in sequence to this is exactly how it happened ! Even though Miggy is now to big for it she still insists on sleeping in it !

            Until next time hope you have good day !

                         Country Gal

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Vapour Trail In The Sunrise


I looked out my window early this morning and saw this incredible scene and had to go out and take photos !  The airplanes vapour trail with the colour of the sunrise through it was an awesome sight !


                                         Click on photos to enlarge if you please !


           The sun was still on the horizon in the east starting to rise and this is it’s reflection !



Then the sun got stronger and stronger as it rose over the horizon and made black clouds to orange !




                 I love the fact that ever sunrise  is different !

                              Until next time hope you have a great day!

                                                        Country Gal

Monday, February 20, 2012

Crisp Clear Morning Sun Rise


I sat on the front porch and watched the sun rise today . The air was crisp and clear but no wind so it was quite pleasant and refreshing out ! The birds were singing and some squawking a dogs bark in the distance and a flock of geese flying and honking just behind us ! I love mornings like this as I also love the evenings as the sun sets these are my favourite times of day ! 










                                     The grass is frosty but Miggy doesn't mind !

                                              Until next time have a great day !

                                                        Country Gal

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Harvest Table Complete


I did posts way back of Papa refurbishing , rebuilding  and refinishing a Harvest table for Bill at his work. Well it is all done and it looks awesome . It took quite some time to finish it as Papa works during the week and he had so many coats of stain and shellac to put on and dry and in between each coat he had to sand the table ! Finishing a piece properly is a long hard task . In the wood working world there is a wood worker and a finisher , wood workers concentrate on building and finishers concentrate on building to finish and if you can do both like Papa your lucky !

Here is the link to the post to see the table in progress for those who would like to see this beautiful Harvest table from the start .


                                      Harvest table completed in Papa’s wood shop !DSC_4210

                                        Click on photo to enlarge if you please !






                                                                Beautiful job Papa ! 

    To view more of Papa’s wood workings here’s a link to his woodworking blog


        We took the legs off folded the leafs down and loaded it in the van for Papa to take to work and give it to Bill !

            Also visit Meg at  Nutmeg Place  for a Show Off  Saturday share all you arts and crafts with fellow bloggers !

                                     Until next time , hope you all have a great day !

                                                        Country Gal