Woods Country Cove

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Hey Every One !


How’s it going . Hope all are having a good week so far ?

It’s been quiet at the Cove this week , just puttering around ,weeding and tending to my gardens and plants .  We have had a drought for over a month now and Papa and I have been trying to keep our gardens happy by watering them every eve as the sun sets . Still hot and humid in the afternoons but the early mornings have been cool for Miggy and I to go for our walks . They say rain and storms tonight right through tomorrow but they have said that before and the rain and storms just keep going around us !

With a bit of  luck and maybe a rain dance or two the rains will come to the Cove !

DSC_0760     Took this earlier today . Lots of different types of birds here under the feeders . The grass is brown and yucky !


                     Hummy and all the other birds always have something to drink here !


                    Clouds of all kinds are starting to roll in now so lets hope the rains come here !

                                       Until next time hope you all have a great day !

                                              Country Gal


Lisa Sall - Sall's Country Life said...

I will keep good thoughts of rain for both of us! We all could use a good soaker and a night off from sprinkler duty!!

Laura said...

We could use a nice rain here too. At least it's cooled down for us. I'll think good thoughts for all of us!

Crystal said...

I hope you get some rain and we don't. We are tryin to hay and there is enough moisture around for this summer.
Love Miggy in the header, she always looks so happy.

Gail said...

Wishing you rain!

MTWaggin said...

Hot and dry here too. Love the hummer photo and glad it is cool enough for you girls to walk in the mornings tho.

Tammy@Simple Southern Happiness said...

Praying for rain here and for you too. Brown grass here, if it were not for lawn weeds we would not have any green.

Sherry Sikstrom said...

Great shot of the hummingbird! I can't seem to get one that good