Woods Country Cove

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

A Bit Of This & That

Well it’s been quiet around here so far and the weather has been cold with a bit of snow here and there and very damp . As we all are busy getting ready for  Christmas that's not that far away  WOW ! this month seems to be flying by  and winter officially starts on Fri December  21st  all though from what I am seeing and hearing we down here may not be having a white Christmas but a wet rainy one instead as well as the winter may not be very snowy either for us down in the southwestern part of Ontario  but one really never knows what mother nature plans on doing either do we ?! but before we know it we will be starting a new year .

I haven't been taking many photos , just the odd one here and there as the weather hasn't been very enjoyable to be out in and we haven't seen the sun that much at all either , it has been gloomy cloudy and just .. well plain  boring out.

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Our little Christmas tree out on our front lawn taken from inside the window after last weeks dusting of snow .  Papa decorated the outside again this season with pretty lights .

December 2018-7128

The Christmas decorating is done all though we don't go all out now a days like we used to , we find simple and less is more kind of our thing  now  and it is all we need , we have a little Charlie brown Christmas tree now to which for us suits us just fine  lol .

December 2018-085958These pics were from last week after a bit of snow fall , most of this snow has all but melted and we are pretty much green again .

December 2018-090005December 2018-090031These pics are also  part of where Miggs and I like to go for our walks every morning that is just behind our house  , it is so pretty in all seasons .

Talking about Miggs , she has been keeping busy on her outings chasing critters from the yard and then  she comes  in and snoozes till the next time she goes back out  lol .

December 2018-7121And now she is waiting for Santa paws to come and fill her Christmas stocking .  As soon as I put it up Miggs checks it every day and knows that soon Santa Paws will leave her a new toy and treats , Harley has a stocking to but she doesn't seem to care about it all as much as Miggs does lol !

December 2018-7131December 2018-7132

Well that's about it for me for now . Papa and I will be busy over the Christmas holidays  celebrating with family so we are looking forward to all that .

                                                 So if I don't get back here to post before then we would like to wish you all a very

                                                                                              Merry Christmas      





                                    Country Gal ,Papa,Miggs & Harley


William Kendall said...

A Merry Christmas to all of you!

Anvilcloud said...

I haven't been taking pictures either, except for hockey games, and I didn't bother with the last one.

Whether it rains or not here, the snow is almost sure not to entirely disappear.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Merry Christmas to you and your family, Elaine. We may get a dusting of snow as we visit with family in CT and RI and that’s OK because traveling in bad weather is nit fun...better it waits until we are back in NH. I’ve missed many recent blog posts of yours and your blog redesign is very nice, although I will admit that I miss your photos being larger and wonder if that’s because you have had some “issues” with unscrupulous folks. As a fellow photographer, I can certainly appreciate and understand how you would feel. Looking forward to seeing more of your photos in 2019 and wishing you a Happy New Year🌲