Hello , hope all are well and enjoying this pretty fall season .
Papa , myself and our new puppers Summer or Summy as we call her have been busy and my blog has taken a back seat for now lol . Also this covid has kept us pretty much at bay from a lot of places and people even though we are pretty much homebodies . When we go grocery shoping Papa gets the list on his phone from me as we share it through our grocery app and when we go in to town Summy and I go with him just for the trip to have a change of scenery and stay in the car whilst he goes in and shops or get out and walk about the grass area or sometimes Summy and I go into her fave pet store for a quick visit. Papa had a bad cough for about 4 weeks and he went to see our Dr and got covid tested as well and thankfully he was negative , it turned out to be a bad yet common chest cold , he is now all better .

This photo above is what our valley behind our house looks like this time of year , its so pretty and it gets very noisy with the sounds of all the migrating birds landing in the trees and field and our yard as we are on the migration path , its amazing to see and hear .
Talking about birds , all our fall and winter birds have returned now to .
Our Cardinals are with us all year .
The season has been up and down weather wise with lots of windy rainy
days and the odd chilly days to but the past few days have been quite
warm sunny and humid but I think we will be getting into the colder
weather soon .
We have been cleaning up leaves at least twice a week now and the trees are almost bare already .
Summy has been doing wonderful with her training and we have fun every day , and enjoy our long walks every morning . She is growing like a weed and is such a character .
She also shows a lot of Border collie in her character and her training, movements and ability to herd things , I have trained many breeds over the years for myself and clients and I figure that she is Siberian Husky , Border Collie cross , she is a love muffin and loves to cuddle and is very loyal to both Papa and myself and for only 5 1/2 months old she is soo smart and listens well and aims to please 😊 .
Last post we were still building and finishing our patio screened porch ,well its all completed now and we love it . Summy and I get to enjoy it during the day but when Papa gets home from work on the odd evening we have sat out in it and enjoyed it very much . The weekends have been quiet for us now as the kids have been staying in their own towns for now but thanks to modern technology we have been able to face time , video chat and so on with them . We do miss having them here though on the weekends .
Well that's about it for us for now . Papa, Summy and I hope all stay safe and well .
Until next time
Country Gal