Merry Christmas all !
Christmas Eve day was lovely mild and sunny !

Miggs was helping us wrap the last of the gifts … ok she was taking off and playing with paper roll lol !

Miggs had great fun !! we had a good laugh to !! Silly girl !!
Then by the evening I saw the moon it was our Christmas Eve moon it wasnt the full moon . The full moon is set to appear in the Christmas day night sky , for the first time in 38 years. The full moon is the last of the year, and is the first to occur on Christmas Day since 1977 - and there won't be another until 2034. The moon was soo bright here last night the light reflected off of my lens .

We went over to Papa’s mum and dads for the evening and exchanged gifts and had a nice visit to !
This morning Miggs and Harley woke and ran down stairs and Miggs went to see her stocking as she had been doing every day to see if Santa paws had been , and to her surprise he had !

Then Miggs got her stocking down and went to investigate what Santa paws had left her

Then Miggs found a toy bunny in her stocking so she had to have a chew of that !

Look Miggs Santa paws left you some treats to ! YUMMY ! she said , can I have them now Papa ? ! Sure can !

Hang on Miggs Papa will get the bag open for you !! Oh boy oh boy she is saying here and being impatient as she trys to help Papa open the bag !

Nom a Nom a Nom !

Please Papa my I have more ! WOOF !! I am sitting pretty for another one !
Well Miggs was all happy and had some of her treats and played with her bunny she got in her stocking . As for Harley well she wasn’t as excited but she did like her treats Santa paws left in her stocking !

Mum whats this stuff !! Meow !!

So when all the excitement of Miggs calmed down Harley had a treat from her stocking and then went and investigated the rest of the gifts !

So now we are just relaxing enjoying the day with eachother & watching movies , I will be cooking the small turkey we got for Papa and I with ham and all the trimmings for supper whilst we wait for the kids to pop down later this evening after their Christmas day at home ! Weather is still mild with cloud and the odd pop of sunshine and we are still green here , no sign of any snow till next week .
Until next time !
Hope you all had a lovely Christmas Eve and Day !
Country Gal