Hello , hope all are well and safe .
It has been a couple of busy weeks for Papa and I . Our eldest son got married last Saturday in their yard all decorated wonderfully and Papa and I took all their photos for them as part of their wedding gift , it was a lovely day . Every one of the wedding party looked soo lovely and our now Daughter in-law Cindee looked so pretty and our sons the groom David and his best friend of 25 years the best man and his children and Davids younger brother James all looked soo handsome .

Papa , Myself , David and his lovely wife Cindee .
Papa and I took hundreds of photos and we put them all on a flash drive for David and Cindee and we also did a surprise for them , see Papa and I also do our own videos on the computer using a program called pro show , we used their wedding song as the music as special effects of the photos were presented through out the video , from the start of the video to the end they were both in happy tears that we did this memory of their wedding for them and Papa and I were pleased with their reaction as we knew this would be just what they wanted . Two thumbs up .👍👍

The newly married couple our son and daughter in law
David and Cindee 💗
Papa and I have been looking for a four legged member to join our family for some time as we were ready . We turned to a rescue for non profit organization with in our area , it took a while and she first went to a foster home then they put up a post on their Facebook page and we fell in love sent in our application , There's a story to her coming to us .
Well our application fell through a no go they decided to place her with some one else so we were very heart broken , so moved on a looked at some more , a few weeks went by and then all of a sudden the rescue emailed me asking if we were still interested in her , I said oh yes , yes , yes , then asked why what happened , of no fault of this beautiful pup the people had a change of heart and we found out this was in fact her second home , I said well this will be her final and forever home a dog to us is forever , so we met her fell in love even more and she is now home with us where she belongs.
We would like you to meet our furbaby

She also comes to the name Summer Time

She is 14weeks and already I have her trained to come when called , to sit , stay, lay down , in your bed , speak for a treat , its night night time , supper time, waits when told and she walks perfectly on her leash and loves to go for walks , car rides , and play in the yard with us , she is soo smart and has been excellent at the house training just one potty accident the first day , Summer was born on the the reserves in northern Ontario where the rescue collects lots of puppies from there , Summer is a mix of Coonhound ,Husky and Terrier and she is amazing . All our family friends and doggie neighbors just love her and are so happy for her and Papa and I .
We already have hundreds of photos and video of Summer and we are just loving her and enjoying having her be a member of our little family , Harley kitty has been pretty good with her and vise a versa but Harley just tolerates all dogs and then goes up to her room and sleeps till she has to meet with her again sometime lol . Summer will be a medium size so perfect for Papa and I and our little home .

Summer has a goofy side and lots of vocal character as well .
So this is what Papa and I have been up to . Hope your ready for lots of Summer posts and antics .
Until next time , Stay safe
Country Gal