Woods Country Cove

Monday, May 11, 2020

A Bit Of This & That & Our Happy 10th Blogversary


Hope all are doing well in these crazy times . Hope all mums had a wonderful Mothers day yesterday as well even though some of us who have adult children that live away from us and  couldn't hug our kids or  even see them in person I hope they called / texted or faced time with you .
 Our eldest son and his  fiancé made the two hour trip down on Saturday to sit out in the driveway and drop off a bouquet of lovely flowers for me and we were able to have a 2meter or 6 foot chat that was lovely and quit the surprise as we had no idea they were coming down and our youngest son called me that evening and we also had a lovely chat , also Papa bought me a lovely Mums yellow daisy plant  so that was an awesome mothers day for me .

 Papa and I are doing well here , he has been back to work now for over a week so that part of our weekly routine is normal ,our weather has been less than desirable for this time of year that's for sure , it is May right?! seems more like March these few days . We have had snow flying but thankfully haven't had any accumulation but the winds and air have been usually cold .  Our poor spring/summer birds that have returned have the look of heading back down south and saying the heck with this crud  , I thinking I'm with you on that guys lol .

So strange to see the snow fly this time of year  and hearing our neighbors cutting their grass at the same time lol !
Little bits of snow flakes falling in this quick pic but after I took it the snow fell harder and faster but again thankfully it never accumulated just melted on contact FEW! My spring flowers have taken a beating with this weather but some remain vigilant and bloom on .

We are very much missing our Miggy , and are  beginning to come to terms with the fact that she has crossed the rainbow bridge and are able to look back  at the thousands of photos we have of her and  remember all the good times we had , she will forever be loved and remembered and will forever be in our hearts .

Yesterday was Woods Country Cove 10th  blogversary  , yup 10 years ago I sat down at my computer and figured out how and what to do for a blog and it has been a wonderful 10 years and thousands of photos and posts later  thanks to all of you who have followed and  or commented , there has been lots of friends made through blogging over the years, lots of ups and downs to and tons of support  and fun seeing and enjoying others neck of the woods and learning different things from one another .  I will try to keep going in blog land as much as I can but I am finding Facebook and Instagram are taking over the blogging world more now as it is all accessible and easier from other devises . I do have a Facebook page and am on it these days more than here and can use my smart phone to do posts and pics  on my Facebook page , I don't have this blog linked to Facebook like others do or use Instagram  as I like to keep this blog  separate from those platforms .

Well I think I have babbled on long enough here lol , I am looking forward to getting back out into the yard and gardens and get going again with my daily walks  by mid week as the weather gets back to how it is supposed to be from then on  , thank goodness..
                                              Until next time, Stay safe , We will get through this !

                                          Country Gal

Sunday, May 10, 2020

Wishing All Mums Out There


                                             Country Gal